Workers beat animals ‘to the point of unconsciousness’ for animal testing, alleges German animal rights group SOKO Tierschutz


Animals have been “systematically mistreated” over several months in a slaughterhouse linked to the German company Mecke. According to animal rights activists from SOKO Tierschutz who released hidden camera footage yesterday, workers were seen beating a cow “to the bone” until unconscious as part of a suspected animal testing operation.

“Workers beat emaciated animals in the most brutal way and to the point of unconsciousness, a sick calf is kicked and dragged by the ears, electric shocks are illegally distributed, and cows are dragged around with a winch while fully conscious,” SOKO said in a statement. “Animal experiments are even suspected because the company apparently trades in the blood of the weakened animals.”

According to SOKO, blood is drawn from the animals by the litre while they are still alive and being subjected to abuse at the hands of workers, as seen in the video below, who refer to the practice as “emptying”. 

“The footage obtained over three months from May to July this year are reminiscent of the scandals surrounding slaughterhouses that specialise in the illegal slaughter of sick and injured dairy cows,” said SOKO, including a case in which several lorry drivers working for supplier Hunecke were tried in court for illegally transporting sick and injured animals to a slaughterhouse in Bad Iburg.

"Now it turns out that the ridiculous punishments from the animal welfare [legal] process are no deterrent. The cruellest perpetrators like Hunecke simply moved a few kilometres away and the veterinary office once again knows nothing. This is a major failure of politics and justice," said SOKO spokesman Friedrich Mülln.

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SOKO has linked several recent animal welfare scandals originating in North Rhine-Westphalia as evidence of the failure of local authorities to protect animals.

"Apparently the state’s control of animal husbandry in North Rhine-Westphalia is practically non-existent and is characterised by criminal structures and animal cruelty," said Mülln, describing the situation.

SOKO Tierschutz has also filed a criminal complaint against Mecke regarding the protection of minors, claiming that children were allowed to witness the beating of animals by workers.

“In the material, you can see that children regularly see animals being beaten and are even incited to abuse animals,” said SOKO. “For example, a worker asks minors to hit animals on the head.”

“The Mecke case again shows that behind every butcher, even those with the best reputation, hides suffering and agony. The scandal also shows how wrong it is to exclude so-called artisanal slaughterhouses from veterinary controls.

“SOKO Tierschutz demands permanent control of all slaughter, especially in butcher shops, personnel consequences in the veterinary office and clear political plans to get out of this torture system.”


Andrew Gough is Media and Investigations Manager for Surge.

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